The Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines is once again spearheading the ultimate celebration of Women in the Philippines to commemorate International Women's Day with the 2nd edition of the Women Lead Conference in partnership with the Global Women BPW Manila to recognize the social, economic, and political achievements of women. The Women Lead conference aims to foster business relationships, associations and strategic alliances among top-level executives, government officials and business women in the Philippines and young and upcoming business leaders.

This event will feature a prominent lineup of 25 leading women of commerce to share their thoughts, ideas and expertise. The conference will have five session speakers each representing a focus sector including (1) Women Leadership, (2) Women Entrepreneurship, (3) Health, Beauty, Wellness, Nutrition and Mental Health and (4) Women in Career and Profession, and (5) The Modern Woman. Following this there will be a moderated panel discussion for each segment.

Among the esteemed list of speakers include the Executive Consultant of ABS-CBN, Charo Concio Santos, the CEO of Airspeed & President of the Women’s Business Council of the Philippines (WomenBizPH), Rosemarie Rafael, the CEO of Luxe Slim Beauty & Wellness, Anna Magkawas, the CEO of SPD Jobs, Inc. Sarah Deloraya Mateo, the President of Kaiser International Health Group, Dr. Leah Yolo, and the CEO and Founder of Global Educator U, Rayla Allertsen among others. The sponsors for the Women Lead Conference are Luxe Slim Beauty & Wellness, Accenture, Security Bank, Crif Philippines, Dusit Thani Manila, Airspeed, SPD Jobs, Inc. and Kaiser International Health Group.

Ultimately, the Women Lead Conference aspires to empower, motivate and inspire female professionals to excel in their careers and overcome the challenges that everyday life poses, at the same time pushes the initiative towards the encouragement and advancement of women empowerment not only in the Philippines but throughout the whole world.
For ticket reservation and more information on the Women Lead Conference 2024 you may email or call +639175638633.
#ABS-CBN #CharoConcioSantos #Airspeed #WomenBizPH #RosemarieRafael, #Accenture #SecurityBank #BeaLeosala #LuxeSlimBeautyandWellness #AnnaMagkawas #ICCPI #GabrielleHahnLopez #SPDJobsInc. #SarahDelorayaMateo #SPD #LeahYolo #Dr.LeahYolo #KaiserInternational #KaiserInternationalHealthGroup #RaylaAllertsen #Airspeed #MonetteHamlin #ItalianChamberofCommerce #Crif #CifPhilippines #DusitThaniManila
Written by: Gabrielle Hahn Lopez, ICCPI